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The APM Body of Knowledge 7th Edition is a source that provides a solid base to understand and develop a professional project management. It reflects a growing profession and acknowledges the importance of project-based work for leaders, decision makers and influencers at all levels, and across all sectors.

Project management software is designed to help in planning, scheduling and tracking. It features features like Gantt charts and Kanban boards. It also includes real-time dashboards and time tracking tools.

Stakeholders are usually classified into two groups two types: secondary and primary stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are key decision makers who are actively involved in the project and hold significant influence over the outcomes. Secondary stakeholders may attend meetings or take part in the project but they don’t have much influence.

There are a variety of project management techniques. Agile and lean methods are among the most popular. Heuristics and critical chain project management, and lean and agile approaches are also very popular. The PRINCE2 methodology is an example of a well-structured project management approach. It divides projects into seven steps, which include the process of directing a project Starting Up a project, initiating the project, managing product boundaries, Controlling an event, Managing Delivery of Products and Closing aproject.

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