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Security of your data is crucial to prevent costly and damaging data breaches. With a soaring attack surface and ever-changing threats, securing your data is becoming increasingly difficult. In this article, you’ll discover about the main strategies to protect your data and the best ways to keep your data secure against hackers and other malicious actors.


Privacy is the right of every person to control their personal data including how it’s stored, used and shared. This includes the right to request that organizations stop using their data. However, data protection goes further to ensure that the personal data is only accessible by authorized personnel. It also limits access to personal information by encryption it by ensuring that only people with the key to decrypt can access the information. This is especially important when transferring data via the internet or storing it on a mobile phone or laptop. Also, it requires complying with laws and regulations around the use of personal data such as GDPR or CCPA.

Many attacks are linked to people, meaning that hackers are looking to steal your information to sell it on the dark web or use it for other illicit purposes. It’s essential to shield your data from malicious attacks and understand it. It’s also why it’s important to invest in robust authentication and authorization systems which require confirming the identity of an individual by examining the authenticity of something they know (e.g. password, for example)) or something they have (e.g., a security token or fingerprint).


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