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Data Room Selection

Data security is a broad umbrella term that encompasses many tools, technologies and practices that protect digital information from unauthorized access, alterations and theft throughout its cycle. This includes the physical security of hardware and storage devices and software for logical security applications, and organizational policies and procedures. Security strategies for data are vital to ensure confidence in the business, adhering to regulations and avoiding costly data breaches.

Data security can be classified into:

Authentication is the process of precisely authenticating a user before granting access to sensitive data or systems. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an individual using methods such a PINs, passwords and swipe cards.

Encryption: This method converts information into a coded form which can only be decoded using a key, which protects data from cybercriminals even if it is stolen during transit. This is usually employed to protect credit card numbers as well as other financial information of personal nature.

Backup and recovery is the process of creating and saving copies of data to ensure that they can be retrieved in case of a system failure or disaster, or if there is a corruption of data. A consistent backup strategy can reduce the chance of losing important data.

Data resilience: The ability to continue working without interruption in the event of an outage of power or a natural catastrophe. This is achieved through the combination of data masking redaction, encryption, and encryption tools, in addition to central management software.

Categorias: Sem categoria

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